10 rules for looking amazing (and feeling great) in middle age

I don’t like making New Year’s resolutions, but what I’m going to do more of in 2024 is focus on (on social media, not the streets – that’s going to be weird) inspiring women who are embracing midlife.

I’m not talking about the “look at yourself in the mirror and shout something positive” kind of guru. I’m talking about women who have a positive attitude about aging and find simple ways to feel good about themselves.

I’m 51 years old (pretend to hear someone in the distance say “No! Really?”) so this is a topic close to my heart. As a personal stylist, I also work with many middle-aged women and understand that this can be a tricky time in our lives.

It’s no surprise that middle-aged women get confused when we read articles telling us we can’t wear certain clothes (according to this sequined article in the Daily Mail ) and we feel like we’ve been being held back for years Ignored by the fashion industry.

Now, I’m no expert, but I’ve learned some important insights over the past few years through my work and my own experience. So if you need some nonsensical guidance on your midlife journey, click the button below to read 10 things I discovered:-

1. There is no such thing as “dress according to age”

Wear whatever feels good and, of course, it has to fit the rest of your day. Don’t give up on styles you love because you think they’re “too young.” Instead, find clothes that fit your own unique style and suit your body type. Personal style is unique and timeless. For more tips on how to design shapes, you can sign up for my free guide here.

2. Style swing is normal

I have them, yes I really do! While I’m happy with my overall wardrobe, sometimes I need to try a lot of different outfits to get the right look. In these cases, taking the time to plan your outfit ahead of time is key.

3. Improving your style can boost your mood

It’s a scientific fact that what you wear affects your mood. By choosing clothes that you love and make you feel good about, you can put yourself in a positive frame of mind. So before you find your first piece of clothing, think about how it will affect your mood throughout the day.

4. Bright colors are supplements

I know it’s easy to reach for dark colors when you’re “bored.” What you are actually doing is subconsciously hiding and making yourself invisible. Choosing brightly colored clothing will lift your mood and ensure you stand out.

5. Accept that your waistline will expand

Few women don’t have to deal with an expanding waistline in midlife. The reason is mainly due to low estrogen levels, and women aged 45 to 55 gain about half a kilogram of weight per year. A recent client felt like she could only wear stretchy skinny jeans, even though she really wanted a newer style of jeans. During our shopping trip, we purchased modern straight-leg jeans with an elasticated back waistband. She is delighted with the new style, which not only updates her look but is also comfortable. There are solutions so you don’t have to feel like you need to hide behind baggy, shapeless clothing.

6. Beware of Polyester

The current trend toward recycled polyesters may be more environmentally friendly, but they still sweat more than natural fibers. Choose cotton, linen, bamboo and merino wool, especially for tops, as these allow your skin to breathe. No one wants to deal with sweat spots under their arms.

7. Loafers are not for everyone

Don’t choose a trend just because it’s popular. I love loafers but have yet to find a pair that works for me. They made my thick calves look even heavier and I felt like an extra in a cop show! I find boots and sneakers more flattering and I’m happy with that. Choose what works for you and don’t be swayed by trends.

8. It’s okay to want others to see you in the best light

Wanting to look your best is not something to be taken lightly. Feeling good about yourself and being taken seriously are not mutually exclusive. In fact, I’d say the opposite. When you feel great, people are more likely to respond positively to you. Please note that looking your best and striving for perfection are two different things. Remember, for every photo you post on social media, there are hundreds that will be discarded because the subject doesn’t look good.

9. Find people whose style you admire

Over the past year, I’ve been following more middle-aged women whose style I admire. To me, these are women who break the 50-year-old appearance rule but still stay real and natural. Do I dress like them? No, but they do influence me not to play it too safe, like buying a bright lilac coat instead of a sensible navy or black one. It’s important to get some outside influences to keep your style fresh and modern. It’s also important to unfollow people who make you feel inadequate! Watch a recent video to find out how you can get inspired to refresh your style.

10. “Expert” menopause creams are a load of crap!

I found this out the hard way! It seems obvious now that “menopause” is not a skin type, but I was fooled by the marketing hype. The global menopause market is said to be worth over $600 billion, and with it comes unscrupulous companies profiting from it. I recommend you do your own research or consult an independent expert before purchasing.

Do you want to dress in effortless style?

If you feel like you’re past your best and no longer interested in what you’re wearing, it’s time to take action. You won’t regret it! Read what my clients have to say about their styling experience here.

I offer a range of styling services designed to help you create a stylish, modern and effortless wardrobe tailored to your needs. Please contact us for more details or to schedule a free fifteen-minute consultation call.

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