Guess how many Jean Styles M&S sells (the answer will shock you!)?

I talked about abandoning skinny jeans in 2018. Until then, almost the entire female population wore the same jeans, which changed about every decade. I covered up on the male crowd because most of them have been wearing the same style for decades.

Nowadays, there are a lot of jeans around, and I have found more than 300 styles in M&S alone! This upstream is a shape that works perfectly for you. The downside is knowing where to start when facing many choices.

Another bonus is that you no longer need to wear trendy jeans that are not suitable for you. I’m glad that camera phones weren’t a thing in my skinny jeans era, and we wouldn’t even rise up on the lower floor to go there!

If you need help with overwhelming choices, follow these five key tips to help you find your favorite jeans:

1. Things you need to exercise before shopping. Ask yourself if you need jeans to work, weekends, outings, etc. Decide on several shapes and colors you like. If you need jeans on many different occasions, you may need multiple pairs. Search for a pair that covers everything, just like looking for the Holy Grail!

2. Try loading – Try at least 3 different shapes and bring the usual sizes up and down into the dressing room. The fit between style and different denim fabrics varies greatly, and you will save time and frustration in this way. If you are chasing designer jeans, head to expert denim sections such as Selfridges or Trilogy stores, they will guide you.

3. Prepare to change the length if needed – If jeans are too long, don’t postpone it as this is easy to sort. Retailers make them this way because they know they can shorten them, not the other way around! When you are securing the hem, make sure you try them with the shoes you want to wear.

4. Stick to some trustworthy brands – If you don’t go to a professional denim store or department, narrow your search to three or four brands. Before you visit the actual store, be sure to check out their style online. I recommend trying them for yourself, but if you shop online for a variety of styles and sizes.

5. Launch your comfort zone – Our humans are habitual creatures and are easy to return from the store of the style you already have. Vow to try at least two new shapes. Note: The new style takes several minutes to get our brains used to, so don’t rush to move around for a few minutes before trying. I’ve always seen this with clients.

Here are some bonus tips I learned when creating denim as a buyer:

A higher price is not a guarantee of quality. High Street denim retailers buy a lot so they can provide you with quality fabrics for a lower price.

The same jeans fit may change when made in different colors. That’s because the fabric is treated differently in terms of manufacturing, or maybe different denim fabrics.

Jeans may shrink in length When washing for the first time, either wash them before shortening them or pay a little extra in length. They also shrink the width way, but this will recover when you wear them.

Jeans are one of the toughest jobs in a closet, so it’s worth finding a pair you love. Update your jeans is a quick way to refresh your outfit and bring a new life rental to your wardrobe. Also, you can wear rain or shine (if not white) so they will meet you in February until spring.

Are you wearing the wrong jeans in your figure? Find the perfect fit in my styling course with me. Book a free 10-minute chat with me now.

NB: The jeans feature the horseshoe-shaped style of the M&S. I chose them for some clients who want modern, edgy (but not too weird) and good value. They absolutely love them!

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